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Imagine where you want to take your business without the limitations of your current technology

What kind of company would you build if you weren’t limited by disconnected systems, communication choke points, data silos and manual processes? Paperwise removes those limits and unleashes your imagination. Our low-code process automation platform allows you to rapidly design, build and deploy your own custom applications to help you create the exact organization you imagine regardless of your current technology. You will connect your people and data and establish the platform you need for future growth.


Connect your people, systems and data for a unified culture

Modern companies depend on a complex ecosystem of people, data, things and processes. Paperwise process automation reduces this complexity by connecting your ERP, CRM, accounting, HR and other systems along with sources of unstructured data like paper processes, emails, spreadsheets and more. The result is a more efficient organization working together to capture value and better serve your customers.


Organize your structured and unstructured data from disconnected systems, paper-based workflows, emails, voicemails, spreadsheets and more

It can be difficult to move your company ahead when the information and processes you rely on are disconnected in silos across your organization. The Paperwise process automation platform gives you a panoramic vision of all the information in your company. Our platform combines our renowned enterprise content management system to capture, store, organize, retrieve, deliver, update and dispose of documents. It also adds the ability to manage unstructured data and content assets across various teams and workflows so that your employees have immediate access to the exact information they need when and where they need it.


Orchestrate your teams with easy-to-design workflows based on your business rules

You can’t run a company effectively by spreadsheet. Paperwise puts you in control of your most important processes, reduces inefficiencies across your various teams, improves coordination and follow up and improves compliance. Design your workflows around your rules and your goals, not around the functionality of your current technology.


Collaborate with automated alerts, communication, processes and more

Every organization suffers from gaps. Gaps between disconnected systems. Gaps between people and things. Gaps in the functionality you wish you had to efficiently run your business. Paperwise process automation fills those gaps with customer workflows, data sharing, information routing, alerts and communication, low-code development and more. You’ll improve efficiencies by removing the obstacles to collaboration you currently face.


Empower your employees to work efficiently how, when and where they need to with mobile data capture, automated approvals and anytime-anywhere web interfaces

Your organization includes an increasing number of “digital natives,” employees who were born into an age of mobile computing and digital automation. They expect you to provide them with applications that let them work efficiently how, when and where they need to with mobile data capture, automated approvals and anytime-anywhere web interfaces. Our low-code platform allows you to quickly design and deploy empowering, reusable workflows and applications to meet the demands of the modern workforce.


Visualize your entire business with dashboards that connect data across your entire enterprise

When you bring together the enormous amount of data, processes, people and information that drive your business forward, you also gain an incredible opportunity to derive insight and better management through visualizations. After creating your customer rules and workflows, Paperwise allows you to easily manage your day-to-day processes with easy-to-build dashboards, reports and visualizations. You can monitor and improve efficiencies and processes, quickly identify choke points, failure and limitations and gain insights that will drive your business forward.


Secure your data, your logons and rest easy knowing your data and documents are kept in legal compliance

Threats to your information and success grow as fast as technology itself. Your partners at Paperwise are experts in security with a deep history in managed services, risk management, legal compliance, user authentication, role-based access and system monitoring. You will rest assured knowing your data is safe and your documents are unalterable and legally compliant.

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