Video: The Top 7 Benefits of AP Process Automation

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Business process automation provides many benefits to your entire AP workflow
  1. Faster approvals — automatically route all purchasing-related invoices in a single, touchless stream of digital approvals
  2. Faster access — if any question comes up, you have immediate electronic access to your documents and process steps
  3. Higher accuracy — dramatically reduce errors from manual entry
  4. Smart OCR — Paperwise actually learns from previous invoices and formats to bring your OCR accuracy up to 90%
  5. Low-code design — you’re in charge of your process with rules and automation that can cut out 90% of the delays in your workflows through automated routing, re-routing and approvals
  6. Visualizations — track your progress, your bottlenecks, compare vendors and more
  7. Smart alerts and reminders — keep your entire team in the loop and on task