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Introducing Paperwise Capture™ for Transportation

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In the trucking industry, your paperwork is your currency. It’s how you get paid on time. Unfortunately, most imaging solutions and mobile driver apps don’t fit the way you work.

  • Document and delivery services are too slow.
  • With scanning kiosks, your driver has to find a service location, wait their turn in line and then perform time-consuming manual preparation work with stickers and cover sheets.
  • Generic smartphone apps are hard for drivers to use consistently and the images are so large you cannot email them or you spend a fortune on cellular data rates.
  • Other driver-specific apps are too expensive and too complex with TMS functions your drivers will never use.
  • And with any of these methods, what happens if there is a simple question about the trip such as weight, pieces, missing signatures and more? Will your driver remember those details weeks later?

Paperwise has designed a mobile capture solution for transportation that is so simple all of your drivers can use it. At a cost that is 90% lower than most driver mobile apps and no additional delivery or scanning fees.

You’ll have your documents for each trip back at HQ before the driver even pulls away from the dock.

With Paperwise Capture you’ll save time, money and know that your documents are accurately indexed and easy to reference. Many users are reducing their billing DSO times by 30-90 days or more.

Easy-to Use Mobile Capture for Transportation

Paperwise designed our application for the two groups of people who are the most important in your process: drivers and back-office staff.

Here’s how easy it is to use:

  • Driver-centric interface: It takes seconds to install and login, so your driver can login from anywhere moments after completing a trip. We match your driver to your company TMS company and driver code for painless setup and no confusion. We even give your driver clickable trip numbers, load and order numbers, and freight bills so there is no manual entry. That saves them time and frustration and it reduces manual indexing to your TMS back at HQ.
  • Super-fast image capture: We’ve eliminated the biggest complaints drivers have about scanning documents and entering information. Drivers select the document type (e.g., BOL, trip sheets, scale ticket, etc.) so that each document is properly indexed for your back-office staff. Then they take a picture of the document. Paperwise Capture is so smart that it automatically corrects crooked, hard to read documents and corrects them to minimize file size and maximize image quality. This save you data costs and time.
  • Processing and follow up: The documents arrive in a queue at HQ for processing in less than 60 seconds, dramatically reducing processing time and thus reducing your DSO. If a question about a document arises— maybe a missing signature or illegible handwriting — your driver can access their driver portal right in their app. This allows your driver to help your team correct errors and answer questions from anywhere speeding up your paperwork and billing cycles.

If you’d like to see the application in action, please watch our video or request a free consultation.