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HR Processes and Data: Security, Efficiency and Control

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Running human resources is not easy. Managing people, processes, recruiting, hiring and off-boarding requires skill and expertise. It also requires an enormous amount of paperwork and protocols. Information must be gathered and stored effectively, security and compliance must be maintained, and sensitive data managed and protected.

That’s why leading HR departments are looking to content management and workflow solutions to help them gain efficiency, reduce risk and expedite employee issues. Paperwise Symphony gives you control over the entire lifecycle of employee documents, data and processes while also giving you a way to securely store, access and share important information regarding your employees.

There are many benefits of process automation and document management in human resources.

Better Legal Compliance

HR departments have numerous files they need to keep track of for legal compliance. To show a lack of bias in recruiting and hiring it is important to properly store job descriptions, applications, resumes, test results and notes from interviews. Handbooks, written policies, employee contracts and more need to be retained and easily referenced. Disability, accident and health information must be collected and stored. But all of these documents must be stored securely, and you must be able to prove that they are properly dated and unalterable. Paperwise Symphony makes legal compliance worry free by providing a safe, secure repository along with auditable workflow processes.


HR departments oversee mountains of sensitive employee data. Social Security numbers, family information, health records, financial and compensation information and more. Storing this information in physical files is a recipe for theft and many companies do not know how to securely maintain their electronic records. Paperwise Symphony greatly reduces your risk by securing your most sensitive data and only allowing access to users based on your own corporate governance.

Improved Efficiency

Paperwise Symphony can help you greatly reduce the amount of administration you manage over your HR paperwork. Documents flow in and out of the HR department constantly requiring a lot of searching, updating and routing that can be handled through automation. In fact, our own clients have shown that automating processes around new employee hiring and onboarding saves 20 hours per HR employee per week.

Process Control

HR departments must maintain standard processes, not only for their own team, but for anyone in the company involved in interviewing, hiring, managing, reprimanding or firing other employees. Paperwise Symphony allows you to set up standard and automated workflows so that you know your processes are being followed correctly and on time. It also saves you time by helping you route the right documents to the right people at the right time without human intervention. You will improve your access to important information while streamlining all the processes associated with HR.


Paperwise Symphony saves you time while lowering your risk. You gain control over your data and processes which enables you to make better decisions. And thanks to our prebuilt templates, it’s easy to get started.

If you would like to find out more about how Paperwise Symphony can provide security and control to your HR processes and data, please talk to our process automation experts today.